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Shrewley        Parish

Robert Wesbury, Chairman


01926 484598

Hugh Darwen


01926 842160

Elaine Forty


01926 843498

Rachel Hinton


01926 843336

David Lawrie


01926 843431

Sarah Underwood


07795 546160

Sally Lowe


07976 888788

Eleanor Choudry, Clerk


07785 327513

Parish Council

Shrewley Parish Council meets every second month throughout the year, normally on the first Monday of that month, in Shrewley Village Hall at 7.00pm. It also holds an Annual Parish Assembly, to which everyone in the Parish is welcome to come along.

Members of the public are invited to attend the meetings as observers. There is always an item on the Agenda where the public can raise issues that concern them or suggest ways of improving our community. The Agenda is posted on noticeboards and on the website 6 days before the meeting.

The Council publishes a Newsletter following each meeting which is available in the Village Shop, on notice boards and on this website. If you would like to receive a copy of the Parish Newsletter by email, please send your email address  to the Parish Clerk at clerk@shrewleyparish.gov.uk   

Do come and see what is being done in the village on your behalf!

 Council Members

Parish Council Minutes

Click on the links below  to view in pdf format

September 2024 (draft)

July 2024

May 2024

March 2024

January 2024

November 2023

September 2023

July 2023

May 2023

March 2023

January 2023

 2024/25  Meeting Dates

Statutory Document Downloads

Click on the links below  to view in pdf format

Freedom of Information Act Requests 2015

Register of Members' Interests

Housing Needs Survey 2022

Housing Needs Survey 2014

Code of Conduct

Social Media Policy

Financial Regulations

Standing Orders

Grant Awarding Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Complaints Procedure

Health & Safety Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

Working Alone Policy & Procedures

GDPR Privacy Notice

Data Protection Policy

Retention of Documents Policy

Data Breach Policy

Subject Access Request Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

Accounting Statements for year ended 31.3.2024

Accounting Statements

Annual Governance Statement

Internal Audit Report

Bank Reconciliation

Certificate of Exemption

Exercise of public rights

Explanation of Variances

Fixed Asset schedule

Contact details

Monday 4 March 2024 7.00 pm


Monday 25 March - ANNUAL ASSEMBLY - 7.00 pm


Tuesday 7 May - Annual Parish Meeting 7.00 pm


Monday 1 July 7.00 pm


Monday 2 September 7.00 pm


Monday  25 November 7.00 pm

Monday 6 January 2025 7.00 pm

Monday 3 March 2025 7.00 pm

Monday 24 March 2025 - ANNUAL ASSEMBLY - 7.00 pm

Shrewley Common Traffic Survey 2019
    Presented at the Annual Parish Assembly 2019

Shrewley Reported Road and Footpath Issues
     Go to  warwickshire.gov.uk/reportaproblem
    and go to the appropriate page

Hatton Station Speed Survey results March 2018
    Vehicle Count Report
    Time-length Report
    Speed Report

Footpath Fault Report -  September 2019

Parish Plan

This document is the result of hard work by a dedicated team of volunteers. The steering group worked hard to engage
as many Shrewley residents as possible through the Household Survey and achieved a response rate of over 60% - the national average for this sort of survey is around 25%.

This plan for the future has been formally adopted by the Parish Council, and will be adopted by Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council. It will be used to guide decision makers and policy makers about our vision for the future.

Parish Plan
Parish Plan Action List  (Updated March 2016)
Housing Needs Survey  (December 2014)